Successful retention of trees in development sites is important if the tree cover in the urban environment is to be increased. If cutting tree roots cleanly can be shown to increase the new growth of tree roots and prevent the spread of decay up the roots, then this practice should continue to be encouraged.
Risk Assessment Review Download PDF Tree risk assessment is an important part of urban forest management and there are many tree owners and managers that are required to ensure their trees are maintained to an acceptable level of risk associated with them. Trees are living things, constantly changing and eventually dying, therefore there is always […]
As a local consulting arborist, I was recently asked to give my opinion on ailing pandanus trees (Pandanus Tectorius) in Byron Bay. The growing heads of the trees were going yellow and dying. My recommendation was to use a spraying technique to avoid the problems associated with the common practice of Pandanus stem injections.
Brown Root Rot Phellinus noxius has been observed in Brisbane for some years and has become a severe problem for both privately and publicly owned trees. It is highly invasive, difficult to control, causing wilting and the rapid decline and death of young trees. It has recently been observed in the Northern Rivers of NSW, and my paper describes the fungus so that it may be more readily identified in the field.
Jamella Australiae Pandanus Leaf Hopper is a pest and a major cause of the decline and death of Pandanus trees. It is a sap sucker about 8mm in length which can fly but prefers to jump, hence its popular name. The life cycle can take as little as eight weeks, giving 4-5 generations a year. Its infestation is growing and I was commissioned to write a report on the insect.